Best quotes by Ira Glass on People

Checkout quotes by Ira Glass on People

  • People are generally forced to change. We don't want to change, and then something absolutely forces us to realize that what we are doing isn't working or that our picture of the world is wrong. We fail. So we change.
    - Ira Glass
  • I'm not a go-in-for-the-kill kind of interviewer. It's a great thing to me, that kind of interviewer, but I'm not it. It doesn't play to my strengths at all. I like to interview people who are interested in telling their story and tell it as truthfully as they can.
    - Ira Glass
  • In some theoretical way I know that a half-million people hear the show. But in a day-to-day way, there's not much evidence of it.
    - Ira Glass
  • Radio is more powerful the closer we mimic the way we actually speak to each other. That's why Howard Stern is such a great radio talent. People on his show are actually speaking to each other. You might not like what they're saying, but they're real conversations.
    - Ira Glass
  • I remember that in Baltimore, where I grew up, we would drive by the radio station and tower of WBAL, and I would try to picture the people inside and what they did there.
    - Ira Glass
  • One reason I do the live shows - and the monthly speeches at public radio stations - is to remind myself that people hear the show, that it has an audience, that it exists in the world. It's so easy to forget that.
    - Ira Glass
  • I don't go looking for stories with the idea of wrongness in my head, no. But the fact is, a lot of great stories hinge on people being wrong.
    - Ira Glass
  • But sadly, one of the problems with being on public radio is that people tend to think you're being sincere all the time.
    - Ira Glass
  • When I say something untrue on the air, I mean for it to be transparently untrue. I assume people know when I'm just saying something for effect. Or to be funny.
    - Ira Glass
  • I don't tweet because I don't need another creative venue. I don't need another form for self-expression. I don't need another way to get my thoughts out to people. I have one. I'm good.
    - Ira Glass
  • I just have a harder time, I think, feeling close to people without self consciousness.
    - Ira Glass
  • I have been shocked at the number of people who don't watch television.
    - Ira Glass
  • It's rare for me to read any fiction. I almost only read nonfiction. I don't believe in guilty pleasures, I only believe in pleasures. People who call reading detective fiction or eating dessert a guilty pleasure make me want to puke.
    - Ira Glass