Best quotes by Kris Allen on Music

Checkout quotes by Kris Allen on Music

  • I'm not a man of many words, I'm not very expressive or emotional, but it comes out in my music.
    - Kris Allen
  • Michael Jackson was the biggest star the world has ever seen - he put so much into everything; a lot of attention to detail. I want to do that. I want to pay that kind of attention to detail in everything - in music, visually - all of that.
    - Kris Allen
  • Music has always been a part of my life.
    - Kris Allen
  • I'm a huge fan of music in schools and music education because that's how I grew up.
    - Kris Allen
  • Well, when you're recording an album, artists have what they feel like is good music, and the label, they're trying to sell the album. So those two ideas clash sometimes, but in the end it always works out. When you put the two together, that's a good thing.
    - Kris Allen
  • I'm just going to go out there, and if people want to put me on the front of their magazine or whatever, that's fine. If they don't, that's fine as well. I'm just going to go out there and make my music.
    - Kris Allen
  • It's hard to write music for specific things, because I'm always writing just to write.
    - Kris Allen
  • I love pop music, but I love pop music that does something a little bit different.
    - Kris Allen
  • I want my music to feel like I'm giving something to someone else and not that I'm expecting something back.
    - Kris Allen
  • My dad was a musician. He was a singer and he played the guitar, so music was always around.
    - Kris Allen