Best quotes by Miriam Shor on Me

Checkout quotes by Miriam Shor on Me

  • I always like things to be as complicated as possible. I don't like an easy ending. I don't like when all the pieces get tied up. As a viewer who loves stories and storytelling, that annoys me.
    - Miriam Shor
  • Reading 'The New Yorker' - I start on the last page and go backwards, reading all the cartoons. Then I read 'Shouts and Murmurs.' Then I read the reviews. Then I read the articles that immediately appeal to me.
    - Miriam Shor
  • I've got two kids who are native New Yorkers. It's kind of astonishing, raising two girls who are full-blooded New Yorkers. It's awesome and scary, because they're so much cooler than me.
    - Miriam Shor
  • Ageism is interesting for me because I've been playing someone in my 40s since I was 20 or so, but I have experienced it. I've been lucky in that I haven't had to play the ingenue and feel that slip away.
    - Miriam Shor
  • I am always living in the now, so I like what fate brings to you. That's always fun for me. To have a process and someone be like, 'How about this?' And you just grab onto that and see where it takes you.
    - Miriam Shor
  • 'Hedwig' was the first audition my agent ever sent me on. I still have the slip of paper where I wrote down the appointment. I wrote down, 'Headwitch and the Angry Itch. Yitzhak. Croatian ex-drag queen billed as the last Jewess of the Balkans Krystal Nacht.'
    - Miriam Shor