Best quotes by Dave Morin on Path

Checkout quotes by Dave Morin on Path

  • Frankly, the hardest pieces of feedback we got in the U.S. was, 'I would love if more of our friends were on Path. It's hard to get them to join.'
    - Dave Morin
  • We don't want to connect you with just anyone on Path. Without the contact list information, some of these features just don't work.
    - Dave Morin
  • We give you a list of suggested friends to connect with who are already on Path. We notify you when other friends of yours join Path.
    - Dave Morin
  • Path does not spam users. Invites on Path are never sent without a user's consent - any allegations to the contrary are false.
    - Dave Morin
  • We certainly hope that Facebook allows users to connect with their friends on Path and with any other partner applications in the future.
    - Dave Morin