Best quotes by Kevin O'Leary on Money

Checkout quotes by Kevin O'Leary on Money

  • Money is my military, each dollar a soldier. I never send my money into battle unprepared and undefended. I send it to conquer and take currency prisoner and bring it back to me.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • Don't cry about money, it never cries for you.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • Here's how I think of my money - as soldiers - I send them out to war everyday. I want them to take prisoners and come home, so there's more of them.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • I'm not trying to make friends, I'm trying to make money.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • Money equals freedom.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • Don't cry for money. It never cries for you.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • There's something very visceral about watching people beg for money. It's powerful.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • We have to change public perception of ex-convicts. Most Canadians don't realize that when you come out of prison, you're a complete pariah. You can't get a car loan or money from a bank to start a business. So most end up back in prison within 24 months. It's just so wrong. We need to fix this problem.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • I'm not trying to make friends, I'm just trying to make money.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • I don't mind rude people. I want people that I can make money with, so if their executional abilities are good, and they're arrogant and rude, I don't care.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • The only reason to do business is to make money; that's the only reason for doing business.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • Money has no grey areas. You either make it or you lose it.
    - Kevin O'Leary