Best quotes by Jo Brand on Women

Checkout quotes by Jo Brand on Women

  • My mum always felt that women deserved as much as men, and should have as much power, so I suppose I opted to go into a very male-dominated arena to try and prove that.
    - Jo Brand
  • Even when I wasn't overweight I was never one of those girls or women who wanted to look nice. I always thought it wasn't important.
    - Jo Brand
  • I've seen a lot of women give up after they've had three or four bad gigs in a row. It's very difficult to learn not to take nasty heckles personally.
    - Jo Brand
  • Occasionally, some sitcoms still stereotype women - the old dragon or the dolly bird - but on the whole we've moved away from that.
    - Jo Brand
  • There's a general sense that women are more relaxed and less defensive in comedy than they used to be. I think it's easier than it was but underlying it all there is still a pretty sexist view of women on stage, which to me hasn't changed that much.
    - Jo Brand