Best quotes by Tavi Gevinson on Me

Checkout quotes by Tavi Gevinson on Me

  • I'm really thankful for every experience I've had, even the ones that were puzzling or disorienting, because they taught me so much.
    - Tavi Gevinson
  • If my parents ever had to ground me, they didn't really know what that would mean, because I was inside most of the time anyway.
    - Tavi Gevinson
  • It brings me no joy and not enough comfort to dwell too much on things I've said or written or made or worn in the past.
    - Tavi Gevinson
  • The idea that feeling confident and feeling misunderstood are mutually exclusive really bugs me.
    - Tavi Gevinson
  • I feel lucky in that I don't really have to go to college to study something job-specific. I just want to go to learn about what is interesting to me and learn about the classes that you don't really get to take in high school because you have to take the basics.
    - Tavi Gevinson
  • There are moments when I am really not happy with how I look, or I think it would be an easy way out to try and do the conventionally attractive thing. But part of it is that I don't have the energy to put on, like, makeup. If people want to do that, that's fine. But I've learned that it's not for me.
    - Tavi Gevinson
  • If the next thing I do is not necessarily filling the role of 'the future of journalism,' it'll probably be whatever is making me happiest, and that's enough for me.
    - Tavi Gevinson
  • If I'm extremely bored and I don't have a book with me and I'm being an obnoxious teenager, I'll read 'BuzzFeed' on my phone. But even that just leaves me feeling icky because I think for some reason my comfort zone is to just not really be in the loop about stuff like awards shows or things like that.
    - Tavi Gevinson
  • Feminism to me means fighting. It's a very nuanced, complex thing, but at the very core of it I'm a feminist because I don't think being a girl limits me in any way.
    - Tavi Gevinson
  • In high school, I was doing my magazine 'Rookie' and a lot of writing, and I became a little less interested in the fashion world. I was approached by an agent for writing, and I said I wanted to act as well. They sent me scripts, and then I got my first Broadway play, 'This Is Our Youth'.
    - Tavi Gevinson