Best quotes by Katie Nolan on New

Checkout quotes by Katie Nolan on New

  • I live in New York City, but I live in Hoboken because it's cheaper there, and I can own a condo.
    - Katie Nolan
  • 'Guyism' wanted a daily video series. They told me they were planning on hiring a girl and then hiring someone to write all her jokes. Then they figured it would be easier just to get me, so they offered me $750 a month to do it, which turned into an offer to move to New York and do it full-time for $30,000 a year.
    - Katie Nolan
  • I love meeting new people.
    - Katie Nolan
  • There are a lot of interesting differences between Boston and New York in general, and I think they're sort of heightened in Long Island.
    - Katie Nolan
  • It's an interesting dynamic living in New York in general as a Boston fan. It's kind of fun that way. It's fun to be the contrarian when everyone hates you as long as your team is winning.
    - Katie Nolan