Best quotes by Diana Silvers on Time

Checkout quotes by Diana Silvers on Time

  • There are enough roles for everyone, and I truly believe that the roles that we end up doing are the exact ones that are right for us at that time as people and as actors.
    - Diana Silvers
  • 'The White Album' is so cool because it was around the time when the Beatles started to not like each other, so they would each go off and do their own thing. It's all over the place, but that's what makes the album so brilliant.
    - Diana Silvers
  • Acting is kind of an escape. You get to live life as someone else, and when you're living this life as someone else, you don't really have time to think about your own life.
    - Diana Silvers
  • The boy I was crazy about was super into photography, so I weaseled my way into AP Photo to impress him and spend more time with him. He never liked me back, but I ended up spending most my senior year in the darkroom - it became a sort of safe haven for me.
    - Diana Silvers
  • 'The Shining' is one of my favorite movies of all time.
    - Diana Silvers