Best quotes by Karl Iagnemma on Drive

Checkout quotes by Karl Iagnemma on Drive

  • In Singapore, drivers generally obey the rules, but the attitude around pedestrians is actually quite different. It's culturally different. People drive safely, but it's not the same deference shown to pedestrians.
    - Karl Iagnemma
  • It's challenging to drive in a way that's human-like.
    - Karl Iagnemma
  • It's important for automated cars to be able to drive in a human-like fashion - and that does mean adapting to the driving patterns around you.
    - Karl Iagnemma
  • Surveys show that while many people are open to the idea of an autonomous vehicle driving them to work, far fewer are willing to let one drive their child to soccer practice.
    - Karl Iagnemma
  • For better or worse, we have to bridge this divide between developing cars that drive by the book and cars that drive how you and I drive.
    - Karl Iagnemma