Best quotes by Bruce Johnston on Group

Checkout quotes by Bruce Johnston on Group

  • I really dig The Byrds. I think they are the most underrated - in their original form - pop group.
    - Bruce Johnston
  • You know, Glen Campbell sang with the group right before I joined the group.
    - Bruce Johnston
  • I've been with the group since 1965. I will be beginning my fifth year on April ninth this year.
    - Bruce Johnston
  • You know, The Beach Boys' image is kinda like a group Doris Day, you know what I mean?
    - Bruce Johnston
  • The group started getting bigger and bigger, so Al started replacing Brian on the road, and then finally there was a big flare-up with Dave Marks and he left the group.
    - Bruce Johnston
  • Brian came back in on the road and Al stayed, but Al's the original member of the group.
    - Bruce Johnston
  • But, you know again, getting back to what a group like ours might represent - the cleanliness thing.
    - Bruce Johnston