Best quotes by Justin Simien on Culture

Checkout quotes by Justin Simien on Culture

  • I went to a school called Chapman University, which is a wonderful film school. It was a great program, but it was very white, and it was a culture shock for me because I grew up in Houston, Texas, and I went through what they call magnet schools, so my friends were like a Benetton ad.
    - Justin Simien
  • There is no monolithic black culture. It's completely different for someone born in Harlem to someone born in Houston or London with one exception, which is that people contributing to black culture have the experience of being black.
    - Justin Simien
  • I remember distinctly not seeing myself. I didn't see myself in black culture, white culture, mass culture.
    - Justin Simien
  • It occurred to me that by naming the film itself 'Dear White People,' I could tap into the burgeoning meme culture as well as make a meta-commentary about the controversies within the film.
    - Justin Simien
  • The mark of a really great satire is its ability to seem prophetic, and I think that the television culture that film predicted really came true in the age of reality television and is a testament to how great it really is.
    - Justin Simien