Best quotes by Jack Dee on People

Checkout quotes by Jack Dee on People

  • I'm just part of a tradition of people who aren't pleased. I would never think anyone else who has the same attitude was getting it from me. I'd just think they're... sensible.
    - Jack Dee
  • I think it is more a cautiousness that protects me from enthusiasm about things. I tend not to get excited. People perceive it as a scowl, which is fair enough.
    - Jack Dee
  • I hate people who think it's clever to take drugs... like custom officers.
    - Jack Dee
  • I really hated fighting people and hurting them, but felt unable to stop.
    - Jack Dee
  • And people are intrigued if I really am as grumpy in real life. People feel a bit let down if I'm laughing or smiling.
    - Jack Dee