Best quotes by Jess Phillips on Belief

Checkout quotes by Jess Phillips on Belief

  • For a party of the left to win, people have to have believe that government, the state, can be on their side. When I was a young mother, Sure Start and tax credits weren't just a financial lifeline, they represented hope.
    - Jess Phillips
  • One of the things I want to achieve in the potentially short time I'm in Westminster is to stop people thinking we're all the same. Because while they believe that, the establishment stays in the same people's hands.
    - Jess Phillips
  • I wanted to be an MP who was normal. I believe in politics, I'm a proud parliamentarian, and I want people to want parliamentarians again.
    - Jess Phillips
  • I refuse to believe this rhetoric that the Labour party can't get under one big umbrella with a common enemy - sometimes a common enemy is an absolutely delightful unifier.
    - Jess Phillips
  • In every single place I have campaigned in and every single place I have lived, people want some fairly basic things. They want to believe that they are safe, they want to know that their children will be educated and that if they are ill, they will be made better.
    - Jess Phillips
  • I am Left-wing. I am a socialist. I believe in sharing wealth. There's no two ways about it.
    - Jess Phillips