Best quotes by Julie Taymor on People

Checkout quotes by Julie Taymor on People

  • It's people who are repressed and cannot express their fears that are dangerous.
    - Julie Taymor
  • People will justify whatever for a good cause.
    - Julie Taymor
  • You program music with an image and then people are desensitized.
    - Julie Taymor
  • And I just think that to introduce an unknown Shakespeare is thrilling, too - not to do Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet, to do the richer Shakespeare. People will come to this and not know the story.
    - Julie Taymor
  • I have never had a problem with people not being able to understand the words and the meanings in Titus.
    - Julie Taymor
  • I have directed good actors and have gone through the process which is more detailed in theater in a way. You have to get people to stay for two or three hours in a performance. They need more talk and rehearsal than in films.
    - Julie Taymor