Best quotes by Kimberly Guilfoyle on People

Checkout quotes by Kimberly Guilfoyle on People

  • This is a tough business, and you're asked to do a job. And part of doing that job is to rate and to do well and to perform, and at certain points, when people are unable to do the job they're hired to do, what happens is people are let go. Their contract is not renewed.
    - Kimberly Guilfoyle
  • Bob Beckel and Juan Williams are two people who I love personally. But what they say drives me absolutely nuts.
    - Kimberly Guilfoyle
  • The key lesson for me: Don't make this life about you. It's about other people.
    - Kimberly Guilfoyle
  • I grew up in the Mission District in San Francisco, which was largely Hispanic at the time. I was raised in a household that was really welcoming to diversity and encouraging about different people's viewpoints and ideas and backgrounds.
    - Kimberly Guilfoyle
  • The one message I always send to young people is, Don't be afraid to try different things to see what feels right and what's a good fit.
    - Kimberly Guilfoyle
  • I think it's very insulting to say, 'White people don't understand.' What are you talking about? You're part of the problem then if you're... speaking and labeling all white people, saying they don't understand the issue or saying they can't relate. That's really not giving people much credit, is it?
    - Kimberly Guilfoyle
  • People can smell a fake.
    - Kimberly Guilfoyle
  • Sadly, as a seasoned prosecutor, I know what dark acts people are capable of.
    - Kimberly Guilfoyle
  • I think we need to update the existing laws to create uniformity across the states so that all people with mental illness who find themselves in the criminal justice system for committing horrific crimes will be treated exactly the same.
    - Kimberly Guilfoyle