Best quotes by Julianne Moore on People

Checkout quotes by Julianne Moore on People

  • Jennifer Lawrence is so talented and so lovely. She has a real ability to connect with people.
    - Julianne Moore
  • I can see how Americans misconstrue British reserve, and I can see how British people misconstrue American enthusiasm. I think I'm somewhere in between the two. Although I'm outgoing, I'm also very private.
    - Julianne Moore
  • My mom worked as a psychiatric social worker. She was interested in people, and I guess I am, too. So we would talk about the people that we knew, and why they behaved the way they did.
    - Julianne Moore
  • Even ordinary people aren't ordinary, not really. They're filled up with thoughts and feelings that you might never know are there until they suddenly materialise.
    - Julianne Moore
  • In all of the movies and films you see, people are always in crisis because that's what we watch. We watch them deal with crisis and resolve it.
    - Julianne Moore