Best quotes by Jeremy Irons on Life

Checkout quotes by Jeremy Irons on Life

  • Really, ambition has gone. I look for things that tickle my fancy. You begin to see the end of life on the horizon. You think, 'It's not going on forever, this.' Let's make the most of what time I have left.
    - Jeremy Irons
  • I don't mind getting older. I'm enjoying not having that raging ambition I've had all my life.
    - Jeremy Irons
  • Paris Hilton, that's very interesting what she did. I've never done that. I haven't really sort of ever got into that. As time passes, maybe I should record it and put it in a vault so that when I get a little old don't have the energy I can remember how life used to be.
    - Jeremy Irons
  • I have developed a life which seems to need a relatively high income.
    - Jeremy Irons
  • I wanted to find a way of life that allowed me great freedom, not to be stuck. I went to a very traditional school, which prepared people for the army or for banking or for industry, and I wanted to be outside of that.
    - Jeremy Irons
  • There are people who are victims in life, and I don't think they should be encouraged.
    - Jeremy Irons