Best quotes by Ellen G. White on Love

Checkout quotes by Ellen G. White on Love

  • True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. It looks beyond mere externals, and is attracted by qualities alone. It is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is real and abiding.
    - Ellen G. White
  • The great moral powers of the soul are faith, hope, and love.
    - Ellen G. White
  • Love begets love; and thus the love of Christ displayed upon the cross woos and wins the sinner and binds him repenting to the cross, believing and adoring the matchless depths of a Saviour's love.
    - Ellen G. White
  • Love works not for profit nor reward; yet God has ordained that great gain shall be the certain result of every labor of love.
    - Ellen G. White
  • God is love, and His law is love. Its two great principles are love to God and love to man.
    - Ellen G. White
  • Whatsoever is done out of pure love, be it ever so little or contemptible in the sight of men, is wholly fruitful; for God measures more with how much love one worketh, than the amount he doeth.
    - Ellen G. White
  • Grace, like an angel of mercy, makes his voice heard sweet and clear, repeating the story of the cross, the matchless love of Jesus.
    - Ellen G. White
  • I desired to become a Christian, and prayed earnestly for the forgiveness of my sins. I felt a peace of mind resulting, and loved every one, feeling desirous that all should have their sins forgiven, and love Jesus as I did.
    - Ellen G. White
  • Those who are devoted to amusements; who love the society of those who love pleasure, have an aversion to religious exercises.
    - Ellen G. White