Best quotes by JR on Art

Checkout quotes by JR on Art

  • Art is not supposed to change the world, to change practical things, but to change perceptions. Art can change the way we see the world. Art can create an analogy.
    - JR
  • I want to create the largest-ever participatory art project and highlight the concept of Shadow Philanthropy, where people help others create work without taking credit for it - through this we can really change the world.
    - JR
  • Can art change the world? Maybe... we should change the question: Can art change people's lives?
    - JR
  • Art is not meant to change the world.
    - JR
  • The Internet doesn't always play a great role for art, especially art in the street, as people take what they see for the final image of it. But the most interesting thing about street art is to see it for real, to understand what it means and where it's displayed.
    - JR
  • Most of the time, people look at a piece of art online when it is just a few blocks from their house. Changing the way you walk home everyday fills life with surprises.
    - JR
  • For me, the gallery legitimates the art production and helps build collections. I don't think an artist should do everything by himself forever. I did it for years and then slowly built my circle of trust.
    - JR
  • When you're in New York, people don't say, 'We're happy you came to New York.' In D.C., people thank you for coming here and bringing art here.
    - JR
  • Art is not meant to change the world, but when you see people interacting, when you see an impact on their lives, then I guess in a smaller way, this is changing the world. So, that's what I believe in. That's why I'm into creating more and more interactions.
    - JR
  • The beauty of an art project is that you cannot always measure the impact, but one day it can become clear.
    - JR