Best quotes by Liza Weil on Time

Checkout quotes by Liza Weil on Time

  • Smart writers really take their time in investing in backstories and characters. As a viewer, you have to invest in them and love them before you can chip away at what's going on more on a deeper level with secondary characters.
    - Liza Weil
  • The thing that's the most lovely to me, looking back at my time on 'Gilmore Girls', was how fortunate I was to be a young actor and to be on a show that made it really cool for girls to be smart.
    - Liza Weil
  • It's very bizarre to me to now really be a grown-up. I kind of can't believe that I'm there because I certainly don't feel that way a lot of the time.
    - Liza Weil
  • I think that 'Gilmore Girls' did so many things well, and it was a very feminist show in a time when that wasn't really being portrayed at all.
    - Liza Weil
  • But yeah, it's funny because I used to talk so fast before 'Gilmore Girls' and it took me several years of auditioning and being comfortable in auditions to sort of take my time because I would just go into it and rush, rush, rush.
    - Liza Weil