Best quotes by Chris Gardner on People

Checkout quotes by Chris Gardner on People

  • As long as you have a plan for how you'll live, don't let jealous people turn their insecurities into yours.
    - Chris Gardner
  • You want be young and have fun, that's great. But while you're having fun, someone you don't see is studying and preparing. You might end up working for that person. No one wants to hear that! But I try to tell young people: You want to be the one signing the front of the check, not the back.
    - Chris Gardner
  • In order for you to find a job, people need to know you're looking.
    - Chris Gardner
  • We can all learn something from people we admire.
    - Chris Gardner
  • Nine times out of 10, extenuating circumstances aside, I believe that people are where they are by some kind of choice on their part. You need to acknowledge that, 'Hey, I'm here because I steered my horse in this direction.'
    - Chris Gardner
  • I also often hear people say that the deck is stacked against them because of racism, sexism, or other oppressive 'isms.' But once you let go of the blame and excuses, you'll see that you can alter your position on your own.
    - Chris Gardner