Best quotes by Jordan Peele on People

Checkout quotes by Jordan Peele on People

  • Part of what horror is, is taking risks and going somewhere that people think you're not supposed to be able to go, in the name of expressing real-life fears.
    - Jordan Peele
  • Little Haley Joel Osment in 'The Sixth Sense' can see dead people. Well, I can see racist people.
    - Jordan Peele
  • Any time I claimed to be white, that would be unacceptable. It just doesn't make sense in people's minds. If I'm white, how can I walk through a department store and still have people scared that I'm going to rob them? Which, that can still happen.
    - Jordan Peele
  • Black people who want to do comedy go into standup, where our heroes opened a lot of doors. Improv doesn't have a ton of heroes that you can look to.
    - Jordan Peele
  • In the Trump era, it's way more obvious extreme racism exists. But there are still a lot of people who think, 'We don't have a racist bone in our bodies.' We have to face the racism in ourselves.
    - Jordan Peele
  • I find campfire stories and urban legends are kind of the bread and butter that inspires a lot of people who are making horror and thriller. There is a nugget of truth behind these sort of cautionary tales.
    - Jordan Peele
  • I'm a true believer in story. I think when you just tell people to think, people tend to get resistant and defensive and feel like you're accusing them of not thinking.
    - Jordan Peele
  • I want to produce untapped voices, find people and help them get their platform.
    - Jordan Peele
  • Now that the black experience isn't viewed as box-office death, people are catching up to untapped auteurs.
    - Jordan Peele
  • The power of story and the power of a well-crafted film or television show is really all you need to speak to people. I think Hollywood is sort of catching up to that.
    - Jordan Peele