Best quotes by Colin Trevorrow on People

Checkout quotes by Colin Trevorrow on People

  • I feel like we've found an interesting little corner of the sandbox here as far as the way we're telling sci-fi stories. I don't think it's limited to sci-fi - I think anything fantastic can co-exist with people you and I know, and not these hyper-real movie people.
    - Colin Trevorrow
  • I feel like, on a more macro scale, there's started to be a relationship between filmmakers and people who watch their films - you know, on Twitter and on the Internet.
    - Colin Trevorrow
  • I'm gullible. I think people mean what they say.
    - Colin Trevorrow
  • There's no shame in being romantic at all. I think people want to feel that sense of romance, which is rarely even attempted anymore.
    - Colin Trevorrow
  • I feel like, whatever movie I was making, there would always be moments of human intimacy and insight into a little bit of what makes us tick as people.
    - Colin Trevorrow