Best quotes by Josh Hutcherson on Character

Checkout quotes by Josh Hutcherson on Character

  • 'The Hunger Games' for me is I love the books so much and the character and the story were incredible. That's kind of the game plan is just do really interesting stories with interesting characters.
    - Josh Hutcherson
  • I never really read a character before that I connected with more than Peeta. So, for me, if I couldn't get that job I was like, 'Well, if I can't play practically myself in a movie, what can I play?'
    - Josh Hutcherson
  • I've been on projects before where there's no rehearsal, and you walk in on set and that's literally the first time you've ever played the character, and then I've had times where there's been three weeks of rehearsal. I like both.
    - Josh Hutcherson
  • When you get to play a character that's in love, it's cool.
    - Josh Hutcherson
  • Once you have love as a motivator in a story, your character is free to do anything. Once you say the character is in love, he can do the craziest thing that nobody would do who's not in love. Once you're in love, you have that excuse to go and do whatever you want.
    - Josh Hutcherson