Best quotes by Dean Kamen on People

Checkout quotes by Dean Kamen on People

  • People take the longest possible paths, digress to numerous dead ends, and make all kinds of mistakes. Then historians come along and write summaries of this messy, nonlinear process and make it appear like a simple, straight line.
    - Dean Kamen
  • If people ridicule you, look them in the eye and say, 'Yeah, I may have failed, but at least I tried,' and get on with it.
    - Dean Kamen
  • Whatever the marketplace, if talented people are given resources, they're going to keep driving us to having better, simpler, cheaper solutions to problems.
    - Dean Kamen
  • Lots of people ask me for advice as if I somehow have found some easy way to create a solution to a problem, and there's no such thing.
    - Dean Kamen
  • Innovation is so hard and so frustrating; it takes the intersections of people with courage, vision, and resources.
    - Dean Kamen
  • I started realizing that I wasn't so dumb; rather, most people simply didn't know the answers to the questions that I was interested in-or they didn't care.
    - Dean Kamen
  • I don't want to think about how many people have thought or still think that I'm crazy.
    - Dean Kamen
  • As we move towards 8 or 10 billion people on the planet, there's a little less gold per capita. Each one of us will continue to be fighting over an ever smaller percentage of total resources. This is not a happy thought.
    - Dean Kamen
  • Our healthcare system has seen some of the greatest achievements of the human intellect since we started recording history: We're developing incredible devices and implantables to improve the quantity and quality of people's lives.
    - Dean Kamen