Best quotes by Douglas Feith on Government

Checkout quotes by Douglas Feith on Government

  • There have been linkages between the Iraqi government and al-Qaeda going back more or less a decade.
    - Douglas Feith
  • If all goes well, the Iraqis are going to have a country that's going to have a representative government and will be at peace with its neighbors and in the region.
    - Douglas Feith
  • The purpose of the UN mechanism, this inspection mechanism, is not to engage in a cat and mouse game with Saddam Hussein and try to find weapons that the Iraqi government is working on concealing.
    - Douglas Feith
  • What the UN inspectors can do is demonstrate to the world, help the Iraqi government demonstrate to the world that the Iraqis are cooperatively disarming if that is in fact what the Iraqi government decides to do.
    - Douglas Feith
  • The key to making the inspections work is the Iraqi government making the crucial decision that because of the international pressure Iraq has to disarm itself.
    - Douglas Feith