Best quotes by Annie Lennox on Women

Checkout quotes by Annie Lennox on Women

  • I have a reputation for being cold and aloof, but I'm so not that woman. I'm passionate. I love my girls, being with my girlfriends, getting involved with issues that affect other women and children who are suffering.
    - Annie Lennox
  • Women's issues have always been a part of my life. My goal is to bring the word 'feminism' back into the zeitgeist and reframe it.
    - Annie Lennox
  • If we value what we've inherited for free - from other women - surely it's right morally and ethically for us to wake up and say, 'I'm a feminist. '
    - Annie Lennox
  • My issue with the state of women became incredibly stimulated when I was visiting developing countries and it became obvious that women bore the brunt of so many things in society.
    - Annie Lennox
  • I don't feel there are enough women artists out there who are saying anything of tremendous relevance.
    - Annie Lennox
  • It's hard to tell how far women's individuality has come in the past twenty years.
    - Annie Lennox
  • Why are we not valuing the word 'feminism' when there is so much work to be done in terms of empowerment and emancipation of women everywhere?
    - Annie Lennox