Best quotes by Elizabeth May on Green

Checkout quotes by Elizabeth May on Green

  • Once you got a solar panel on a roof, energy is free. Once we convert our entire electricity grid to green and renewable energy, cost of living goes down.
    - Elizabeth May
  • It's not a big deal for me to be leader of the Green Party. It is a big deal for me to represent the voters of Saanich-Gulf Islands.
    - Elizabeth May
  • The reality of the Green party is that we are a party committed to bringing forward big ideas, new ideas and demonstrating by our conduct in parliament and through the election that we really want to work for Canadians, work across party lines, work across jurisdictions.
    - Elizabeth May
  • I want a group of Green MPs who will demonstrate to Canadians that it's possible to be respectful, ethical, hard working and actually stick to principle.
    - Elizabeth May
  • One thing is that you won't get climate action without equity, and Greens around the world have always understood this. This has been the dividing point between the green party of France and Emmanuel Macron: You can't get climate policy without equity.
    - Elizabeth May
  • And of course the Green Party wants to remove carcinogens from our food, our cosmetics, our backyard pesticides.
    - Elizabeth May