Best quotes by Johnny Weissmuller on Me

Checkout quotes by Johnny Weissmuller on Me

  • When people don't know me any more or want my autograph, then I'll think about retiring.
    - Johnny Weissmuller
  • The director sent for me for Tarzan. I climbed the tree and walked out on a limb. The next day I was told I was an actor.
    - Johnny Weissmuller
  • Swimming gave me my start, but my pal Tarzan did the real work. He set me up nicely.
    - Johnny Weissmuller
  • I learned to yodel pretty well. It took me a few months, but I eventually perfected it.
    - Johnny Weissmuller
  • How can a guy climb trees, say Me Tarzan, You Jane, and make a million?
    - Johnny Weissmuller