Best quotes by Claire Danes on Love

Checkout quotes by Claire Danes on Love

  • People confuse fame with validation or love. But fame is not the reward. The reward is getting fulfillment out of doing the thing you love.
    - Claire Danes
  • I love Berlin.
    - Claire Danes
  • But I don't know if people are meant to be together. You have to have a lot in common, choose well and be really fortunate. It's not like you're sprinkled with fairy dust. You have to believe that love will be there when you need it.
    - Claire Danes
  • Maybe philosophy - I love talking about ideas. Or maybe art history. I was thinking about psychology, then I got really afraid because everybody says it's terribly boring.
    - Claire Danes
  • Any story is better with a little love in it, right?
    - Claire Danes