Best quotes by John Shelby Spong on Church

Checkout quotes by John Shelby Spong on Church

  • Oh the Christian church has encouraged enormous immaturity among the peoples who are its primary adherence.
    - John Shelby Spong
  • I was baptized as an infant. I was confirmed as an adolescent; I was active in my church's youth group and in my university student group. I was married before the church's altar; trained at the church's seminaries, ordained deacon and priest at age 24.
    - John Shelby Spong
  • The biblical texts that we Christians have used for centuries to justify our hostility toward the Jews need to be banished forever from the sacred writings of the Christian church.
    - John Shelby Spong
  • The church is not going to survive if they are going to tell people that they have to twist their minds into 1st century pretzels.
    - John Shelby Spong
  • My sense is if the Episcopal Church can't stand challenge within its own ranks, then it is not a church I would want to be a member of anyway.
    - John Shelby Spong