Best quotes by Bryan Konietzko on World

Checkout quotes by Bryan Konietzko on World

  • The social and political climate came from discussions about how we could find conflict in the wake of a 100-year-long war ending. But as we know in the real world, just because a war ends it doesn't mean that everything turns happy and peaceful. That provided us with some new kinds of conflict for us to explore in 'Korra.'
    - Bryan Konietzko
  • We're definitely still interested in the Avatar/Korra universe and fantastical world building in general, but I think many of the core themes and tones found in our two kids' series would be present as well in any sort of adult dramas we might be lucky enough to make in the future.
    - Bryan Konietzko
  • I try to make the kinds of things I want to see out there in the world, and hope they end up resonating with other people too.
    - Bryan Konietzko
  • Though we did have a few main characters in 'Avatar' who represented the non-benders of the world, most of the people we focused on were benders. However, benders are the minority in their world population.
    - Bryan Konietzko
  • As humans our hangups seem to shape our interaction with the world around us. They are often the source of our intolerance and friction with people who think differently than us, and even the reason we build walls between us and the people close to us.
    - Bryan Konietzko
  • Mike and I figured out a lot about the world, characters and story in the initial two weeks between creating 'Avatar' and pitching it to Nickelodeon.
    - Bryan Konietzko
  • I think Mike and I would absolutely love to do feature animation. Either another story, or it if worked out, one in the 'Avatar' world. We would be really excited.
    - Bryan Konietzko
  • 'Korra' is its own series. Obviously it's tied in, in the same world, a similar story, but it's not just 'Book Four' of 'The Last Airbender.'
    - Bryan Konietzko