Best quotes by John Lee Hancock on Movies

Checkout quotes by John Lee Hancock on Movies

  • We did not go to that many movies in a theater in the little town I grew up in.
    - John Lee Hancock
  • 'The Blind Side' took forever to get it out of 20th Century Fox in turnaround. It was one of three different movies I was involved with then. 'The Blind Side' just happened to be the one that got made.
    - John Lee Hancock
  • Christian audiences, I think, have grown very tired of movies that try to pander to them.
    - John Lee Hancock
  • It is so hard to get movies made in Hollywood that you got to have six going at once, and you know, probably none of those get made.
    - John Lee Hancock
  • How many superhero movies can we have? It seems like there are 19 a week. They're making money, though, and people are going to see them. So, I get it. I understand completely.
    - John Lee Hancock
  • I just hope, every now and then, the studios still slip one of my movies in.
    - John Lee Hancock
  • For every one that gets made, there are five other movies that you try to get made that you don't.
    - John Lee Hancock