Best quotes by Joan Cusack on Life

Checkout quotes by Joan Cusack on Life

  • I think there's nothing better than laughing in life, so that's nice, to be thought of as someone who can make someone laugh. It's 'cause I think life is hard. You know, my dad was a really silly man. A great Irish silly man. And that's fine.
    - Joan Cusack
  • I take parenting incredibly seriously. I want to be there for my kids and help them navigate the world, and develop skills, emotional intelligence, to enjoy life, and I'm lucky to be able to do that and have two healthy, normal boys.
    - Joan Cusack
  • Can they do both? That's a huge balance, I think, with kids- trying to find the right- it's everything, you know, it's social life, it's academics, it's sports.
    - Joan Cusack
  • I play- it's kind of like a slice-of-life, LA women in their forties, playing forty kind of what's their friendship like, and what's their life like and so I just play one of the four friends.
    - Joan Cusack
  • Because I don't think it's very healthy to hold people to idealized views. I think that's a certain stage in life, something kids do. You have to go through that idealistic phase with your parents, but at a certain point, you need to see people as just people.
    - Joan Cusack
  • I think just because life is hard, it does seem fun to have a break and laugh about things, so I think in the end, my instincts go there.
    - Joan Cusack
  • It was fun; you know, at this point in my life it's like, I want to do stuff that's meaningful.
    - Joan Cusack
  • It was fun; you know, at this point in my life it's like, I want to do stuff that's meaningful.
    - Joan Cusack
  • I can't imagine being a single parent or a single parent that doesn't have a lot of money. That's a big, huge impact on your life and your dynamic and everything - I mean, that's huge. It affects how much you have a break from just concentrating on just one other person in your life. It becomes so myopic that way, and more intense, probably.
    - Joan Cusack
  • I think us gals need to stay in and just change the way it works, so men aren't being workaholics and avoiding life and relationships, and they can make films in a reasonable amount of time, so you can have a family and a life outside of work. And have more balanced, content-driven, enjoyable movies.
    - Joan Cusack
  • My dad was a very funny man - he's the one who taught me life would be awfully hard without humor! I'm sure his Irish wit in some way influenced my decision to become an actress.
    - Joan Cusack