Best quotes by John Krasinski on Time

Checkout quotes by John Krasinski on Time

  • It's funny: I've always had the analogy of a snow globe, that Hollywood is a snow globe. No, it's true. If you shake it up, you can look at it and really enjoy it. But don't ever go in. Don't ever buy into it and be like, 'I deserve all of this!' because it can go away at any time, so just have a lot of fun.
    - John Krasinski
  • You can't do anything to be funny. That's cringeworthy. If your humor comes out of a place of love every time, you don't make the joke bigger than you. The funniest comedians are in touch with their emotional level.
    - John Krasinski
  • I definitely had fun being a waiter. I can't say for sure that I was a good waiter. I think that I made people have a good time.
    - John Krasinski
  • This is the time for me to step out and show that I don't just want to play the nice guy roles, and I think I'll find out what my limits are.
    - John Krasinski
  • There's the push and pull you put on yourself and the push and pull the world puts on you. Most of the time, the world's going to win out, because it's just logical that you should be more successful and more motivated. You can always be more.
    - John Krasinski