Best quotes by Kate Pierson on Love

Checkout quotes by Kate Pierson on Love

  • I had really long hair, and we had this hairdresser, Laverne, that was in Athens. And she did my hair up really big. And she said, 'Honey, when you hang your head over the bed and make love, that hair is not going to move.'
    - Kate Pierson
  • I've always wanted to be a musician. I love music; like, I probably sang when I was born.
    - Kate Pierson
  • With 'Love Shack,' once we put that chorus in, it did have more of a song structure. Even though the verses are all kind of different, the chorus was there along with 'The Love Shack' - I think that really made it a hit. Once we heard it in the studio, we played it for R.E.M., and they were like, 'Yes this is a hit.'
    - Kate Pierson
  • I would have loved to have been a broadcast journalist. I'd even love to be the weather girl. I have to watch the weather every night; I'm just obsessed.
    - Kate Pierson
  • We have a family dynamic - more like brothers and sisters than friends. So there can be a bit of competition, but there's also love and respect. But there's a thing to not push each other's buttons. You know what the buttons are, so don't push them.
    - Kate Pierson
  • I love Atlanta. I feel really at home in Atlanta. We spent a lot of time there. But Athens is like home to me.
    - Kate Pierson
  • 'Love Shack' is such an eternal kind of song; at karaoke, people do it.
    - Kate Pierson