Best quotes by John Key on Me

Checkout quotes by John Key on Me

  • I'm often at events when they're quite light-hearted social events when people would want me to kid around.
    - John Key
  • I used to think... that people would think badly of me for various stuff they read. But now I accept it's just part of the deluge of stuff that comes every day.
    - John Key
  • I dare you to show me one example where I haven't discharged my responsibility seriously, professionally and appropriately.
    - John Key
  • The public talk colloquially, the public's grammar's not perfect. They kid around and I don't think they overly mark me down for that. They just see me as a normal guy.
    - John Key
  • You are not going to change me and if you do, it will look like a fraud, it will be a fraud.
    - John Key