Best quotes by Richard Rohr on God

Checkout quotes by Richard Rohr on God

  • It's not correct to say Jesus is God. Now, don't run and report me to the bishop, all right? It's not correct to say that - Jesus is the union of the human and the divine. That's different.
    - Richard Rohr
  • Jesus is much more concerned about shaking your foundations, giving you an utterly alternative self image, world image, and God image, and thus reframing your entire reality. Mere inspiration can never do this.
    - Richard Rohr
  • If our love of God does not directly influence, and even change, how we engage in the issues of our time on this earth, I wonder what good religion is.
    - Richard Rohr
  • We Catholics must admit that there is a constant temptation among us to avoid the lectionary and the Word of God for private and pious devotions that usually have little power to actually change us or call our ego assumptions into question.
    - Richard Rohr
  • If God continues to give me health and a sane mind and verbal ability, I want to teach.
    - Richard Rohr
  • We looked too long for God and truth through words alone. The fruit for humanity has been rather limited, it seems to me - especially when I observe every day the extraordinary amount of unhappy and angry people in well educated and 'religious' countries.
    - Richard Rohr
  • This earth indeed is the very Body of God, and it is from this body that we are born, live, suffer, and resurrect to eternal life. Either all is God's Great Project, or we may rightly wonder whether anything is God's Great Project. One wonders if we humans will be the last to accept this.
    - Richard Rohr
  • Most of the Catholics Christians I've met would for all practical purposes believe Jesus is God only, and we are human only. We missed the big point. The point is the integration, both in Jesus and ourselves.
    - Richard Rohr
  • God created us for love, for union, for forgiveness and compassion and, yet, that has not been our storyline. That has not been our history.
    - Richard Rohr