Best quotes by Lauv on Love

Checkout quotes by Lauv on Love

  • 'I Met You When I Was 18' is a collection of songs, a story about moving to New York City when I was 18 and falling in love for the first time. A story about trying to figure out your own identity whilst being deeply intertwined with someone else's.
    - Lauv
  • At the end of the day, we all want to fall in love.
    - Lauv
  • For a lot of people going through their first love, you're both still figuring yourself out.
    - Lauv
  • I think everybody goes through that, especially... being in love for the first time. Some people, they're lucky enough that that ends up being who they're with for the rest of their lives, and sometimes it doesn't work out.
    - Lauv
  • I love exploring the more complicated side of love. I feel like I've always gravitated toward that.
    - Lauv
  • I love nostalgia.
    - Lauv
  • I love bodies of work and albums and stuff like that.
    - Lauv