Best quotes by John Hillcoat on Me

Checkout quotes by John Hillcoat on Me

  • It's not awards per se that bother me; it's entirely to do with the impetus they give for marketing a film.
    - John Hillcoat
  • What irritates me about sci-fi is that it got hijacked by video games and also became so high-concept it was all about ideas and gadgets and technology and nothing about the human experience.
    - John Hillcoat
  • I know the power of going to Mount St. Helens, and to see that level of devastation is quite something - the power of tsunamis, etc. But it's human cruelty, the base level of humanity, that scares me most.
    - John Hillcoat
  • When you have a major movie star, and then they're surrounded by local extras, it takes me out or makes me more conscious of what's going on, as opposed to losing myself in the movie.
    - John Hillcoat
  • 'The Road' reminds me of Steinbeck's 'The Grapes of Wrath.'
    - John Hillcoat
  • I personally found 'Avatar' - the blue people, to me, looked like painted art from the seventies. It didn't have the realism as, say, the robotic machines.
    - John Hillcoat
  • Comedy, I'm still in awe of. I think you need a comic genius somewhere in the mix. It's got to be the actor or someone. But the 'comic genius' actors are the darkest people on the planet - and that kind of scares me!
    - John Hillcoat