Best quotes by Joanne Harris on Me

Checkout quotes by Joanne Harris on Me

  • For me, the magic of Hawaii comes from the stillness, the sea, the stars.
    - Joanne Harris
  • From a very young age my mother persuaded me that I could write for fun, but I had to have a proper job - very good advice.
    - Joanne Harris
  • If you want something you can have it, but you have to do some work. It's the ethic my mother brought me up with.
    - Joanne Harris
  • I don't think I've ever had a mentor. The closest thing is my friend Christopher Fowler, another writer. Chris kept me sane for a long time before I made it.
    - Joanne Harris
  • I have an English identity and a French identity. When I'm in France, I'm more outgoing. And the French part of me cooks, whereas the English part of me writes.
    - Joanne Harris
  • I sublimate different parts of my personality through my characters. Which is worrying, as some of them can be a bit nasty. I'm pleased the stuff on the page isn't inside me any more.
    - Joanne Harris
  • I'm quite an untidy person in a lot of ways. But order makes me happy. I have to have a clear desk and a tidy desktop, with as few visual distractions as possible. I don't mind sound distractions, but visual ones freak me out.
    - Joanne Harris
  • Writing books and being paid for it - it's not like winning the Lottery. You can't suddenly go, 'Yippee!' and start throwing tenners in the air. I've done pretty well out of it, but certainly not enough to say, 'Right, that's me set up for life.'
    - Joanne Harris