Best quotes by John Grant on Music

Checkout quotes by John Grant on Music

  • I love a lot of different styles, but my heart belongs in electronic music.
    - John Grant
  • I can't create music if I'm wearing a mask and not being myself, and that was the problem with The Czars.
    - John Grant
  • Me becoming a person, instead of somebody who just hides and is afraid, has happened in tandem with me learning to write music and become a good songwriter.
    - John Grant
  • It took me a long time to find my own voice, even after I started making my own music.
    - John Grant
  • I just feel like this guy who's visiting the music business over the weekend. Every time I write a song, I feel like it's never going to happen again.
    - John Grant
  • My music is definitely very personal. The songs are about moments, snapshots of everyday life, and about having one's say, or at least feeling like one has had one's say.
    - John Grant
  • I felt like a failure for so long because I wasn't able to access myself in the way I knew I would have if I was going to make music that mattered. I knew I was going to have to learn how to be honest.
    - John Grant
  • I don't really listen to my old music.
    - John Grant