Best quotes by Felix Dennis on People

Checkout quotes by Felix Dennis on People

  • With the greatest of respect, I have watched Apple from the day it started. I was publishing magazines about the Apple II before most people had ever heard what a personal computer was.
    - Felix Dennis
  • I want to prove that if you write in strict meter and rhyme about subjects people care about, they will buy poetry.
    - Felix Dennis
  • There are far too many people in university in Britain. If you want to make money, be a plumber.
    - Felix Dennis
  • The reason I don't carry a mobile phone is I don't want people to know where I am!
    - Felix Dennis
  • People think I'm just an old Luddite, but that's untrue. I buy every new gizmo as it comes out, play with it until I understand how it works, and then give it away.
    - Felix Dennis
  • Computers are wasteful of paper and time. Once, we'd get documents with a few errors. Now, people make hundreds of copies until each sheet is flawless and memos are duplicated endlessly. Managers get swamped with emails.
    - Felix Dennis