Best quotes by Sonakshi Sinha on Me

Checkout quotes by Sonakshi Sinha on Me

  • I enjoy my work, no matter who I am working with. Even if you give me a solo silent film, I will enjoy it.
    - Sonakshi Sinha
  • I don't pick my roles based on what clothes I have to wear. I pick roles because of the character I have to portray, and the public have enjoyed seeing me in those roles.
    - Sonakshi Sinha
  • I am not a very social person and have a few friends who have been with me since school and college. I hate going to parties and events and would rather sit at home and watch TV. Parties are the place where controversies happen.
    - Sonakshi Sinha
  • When I watch a film, I watch it as an audience instead of thinking as an actor or an intellectual. I see whether it made me laugh, get involved or shocked me at certain points. Something has to stir inside me.
    - Sonakshi Sinha
  • I was over-confident while growing up. I think when you look a certain way, you try and compensate by something else. I was always a strong child, was always confident, but looks never mattered to me.
    - Sonakshi Sinha
  • Even if my film does well, you will not see me blowing my own trumpet. There is no time to sit and dwell on whether it's done well or not done well.
    - Sonakshi Sinha
  • There's really not much that people can pick on me for my work, so obviously they find other reasons to write something bad about me. I mean, people enjoy reading bad stuff about people.
    - Sonakshi Sinha
  • Luckily, I've had a very good working rapport will all my co-stars. Nobody has complained about me. No one's ever said they don't want to work with me.
    - Sonakshi Sinha