Best quotes by Marcia Gay Harden on Character

Checkout quotes by Marcia Gay Harden on Character

  • I love it when ugliness is beautiful. I love character flaws.
    - Marcia Gay Harden
  • I'm just a pack mule. I've played leads and I've played character roles. Any actress in Hollywood will tell you as your age climbs, the leads thin.
    - Marcia Gay Harden
  • You want people - I want people to relate to me as a character. I want them to go, 'That could have been me,' or, 'I know someone like that.'
    - Marcia Gay Harden
  • Oh, I just love being a character actress. You have a lot of fun, and not only that, you save tons on cosmetic surgery because you never have to have liposuction.
    - Marcia Gay Harden
  • You've got to understand what makes the character human.
    - Marcia Gay Harden