Best quotes by Joel Fuhrman on Diet

Checkout quotes by Joel Fuhrman on Diet

  • The American diet causes disease. It is composed of 25 percent animal products and 62 percent processed foods and only 5 percent of calories from fruits and vegetables.
    - Joel Fuhrman
  • Instead of trying to increase your metabolism with the goal of losing weight, try to slow your metabolism with a low-calorie, high-nutrient diet for a longer, healthier life.
    - Joel Fuhrman
  • A significant number of research studies have documented that heart disease is easily and almost completely preventable through a diet rich in plant produce and lower in processed foods and animal products.
    - Joel Fuhrman
  • The human body is a miraculous self-healing machine, but those self-repair systems require a nutrient-dense diet.
    - Joel Fuhrman
  • If you want ideal health, you need to overcompensate and eat an excellent diet.
    - Joel Fuhrman
  • The problem with the standard American diet, a primary cause of our current obesity epidemic, is the fact that the majority of foods consumed are high in calories and low in micronutrients.
    - Joel Fuhrman
  • The modern diet is grossly deficient in hundreds of important plant-derived immunity-building compounds which makes us highly vulnerable to viruses, infections and disease.
    - Joel Fuhrman
  • If you eat the standard Western diet that most people eat in the modern world, it's quite likely you will develop heart disease.
    - Joel Fuhrman
  • To provide optimal levels of protective micronutrients, a diet must be vegetable-based, not grain-based.
    - Joel Fuhrman
  • The human diet, for millions of years, did not contain any added salt - only the sodium present in natural foods, adding up to only about 1000 mg sodium per day.
    - Joel Fuhrman
  • Excess dietary salt is most notorious for increasing blood pressure. Americans have a 90 percent lifetime probability of developing high blood pressure - so even if your blood pressure is normal now, if you continue to eat the typical American diet, you will be at risk.
    - Joel Fuhrman
  • Eating a high-nutrient diet actually makes you more satisfied with less food, and actually gives the ability to enjoy food more without overeating.
    - Joel Fuhrman
  • One can be a vegan and eating a health-promoting, high-nutrient diet, but one can also eat a small amount of animal products while following a Nutritarian diet and still live a long, healthy life.
    - Joel Fuhrman
  • We need radical dietary improvement, and the earlier in life that change is made, the better. Just following a vegan diet or eating a few more vegetables is not enough.
    - Joel Fuhrman