Best quotes by Campbell Brown on Education

Checkout quotes by Campbell Brown on Education

  • It comes down to what your priorities are, and if public education is about kids, then every decision we make should be focused on the question of 'Is this good for a child?' And that should be the driving focus and the priority when we decide what our policies should be and what our laws should be.
    - Campbell Brown
  • I'm a mom, and my view of public education begins and ends with the fundamental question: Is this good for children?
    - Campbell Brown
  • People say, 'Are you going to be beating up one side or the other side?' It's everybody. It's the entire education establishment that is in power.
    - Campbell Brown
  • I had a moment where I left journalism, and I started getting interested in this issue and writing about it, where I felt there was a right side and a wrong side around a lot of these issues relating to education.
    - Campbell Brown
  • I didn't get interested in education until I had kids.
    - Campbell Brown
  • Our education system is not preparing young people for the world they will face.
    - Campbell Brown