Best quotes by Kim Petras on Music

Checkout quotes by Kim Petras on Music

  • I get my inspiration for my songs and the lyrics from experiences in my life, but I'm also very inspired by the Beatles and Cyndi Lauper, as I really like their music.
    - Kim Petras
  • I love nostalgic pop music. The '80s especially, to me, is the greatest era of songs. I just love the '80s so much.
    - Kim Petras
  • I love all music. I'm not specific. I don't just love one genre!
    - Kim Petras
  • Pop music means everything to me. I've been listening to pop since I was kid, running home from school to watch Britney Spears and Spice Girls and Christina Aguilera music videos, and it felt like it was a world to escape to for me personally.
    - Kim Petras
  • I'm obsessed with music videos, and I just go on marathons of watching a ton of music videos.
    - Kim Petras
  • I thought I was just going to be a songwriter for other people! And now I get to put out my own music, which is amazing.
    - Kim Petras
  • One day, after a big music meeting, my manager took me to Sephora and said I could get whatever I wanted, which is the dream scenario.
    - Kim Petras
  • I definitely always took my problems and turned them into music, and the more I can make myself feel happy, the better. But yeah, I definitely feel like music was always a place for me to, like, escape to. I just love songs that are fantasy.
    - Kim Petras
  • I'm just trying to make the kind of music that I'd listen to as a teenager and forget about all my problems.
    - Kim Petras
  • I think pop music, for me as a kid, I hated school and ran home to watch Britney Spears videos. I just felt like I could forget about the stuff I didn't like about my life and listen to pop music and escape.
    - Kim Petras
  • I sing pop music that I like and that is completely unapologetic - which is actually the term: it's called 'unapologetic pop.
    - Kim Petras