Best quotes by Joe Miller on Government

Checkout quotes by Joe Miller on Government

  • What is good for Alaska is good for the country. Transferring power from the federal government to the states provides opportunity to all states, not just Alaska.
    - Joe Miller
  • If we continue to allow the federal government to live beyond its means, we will all soon have to live beneath ours.
    - Joe Miller
  • But again, you know, the views that we've expressed are transferring power back from the federal government to the states, giving Alaska an incredible opportunity to expand its economy, especially at a time when our federal government is coming close to bankruptcy. So that is a broad-based appeal. It's not an extreme view.
    - Joe Miller
  • We just simply want to get back to basics, get - restore essentially the constitutional foundation of the country, and that means the federal government becoming less onerous, less involved in every - basically every item of our lives. And what that means is there does have to be some transition.
    - Joe Miller
  • If you like big government, move to Massachusetts.
    - Joe Miller